chess in schools:
ST. Joan of Arc Catholic
School Registration
Thank you for your interest in the Chess Program at St. Joan of Arc Catholic School! Students in grades 2nd to 8th grade are eligible to participate. Indy Chess is excited to coach and coordinate the chess team on Tuesdays from January 14 to May 20, 2025. The program will meet from 3:10pm to 4:10pm after school in Room 101. Students will be released from school straight to chess club. After chess club, students can be picked up at Door 1, or you can request they be sent to Aftercare. The chess program will not meet on days that school is not in session (e.g., spring break).
The cost is $119 per semester to cover coaching and supplies, including workbooks. Up to eight need-based scholarships are available for students on public assistance like Medicaid, SNAP, HCV, etc. (just choose "OFFLINE PAYMENT" when checking out, and you will not be charged/invoiced).
Questions? Email The chess team will be coached by USCF-certified chess instructor Mike Chapuran, who also founded Indy Chess.

Upcoming Events
- Tue, Mar 11Latvian Community Center
- Wed, Mar 19Latvian Community Center
- Tue, Mar 25Latvian Community Center
- Sun, Apr 06St. Monica School Gym (Enter Door 15)
- Sat, May 03St. Paul Episcopal Church