chess in schools
Chess has repeatedly been shown to improve problem-solving; grow dendrites in the brain; and increase creativity, spatial thinking, memory, and concentration. Like sports, it can teach discipline, sportsmanship, and build self-confidence. For these reasons, we would love to eventually bring chess study and play to every school in Greater Indianapolis possible!
Looking to register your child for an existing school chess program?
Brookside School 54 (closed)
Butler Lab School 60 (closed)
Charity Dye School 27 (closed)
George W Julian School 57 (closed)
George W Carver School 87 (closed)
Girls in STEM Academy (closed)
Harriet Tubman School (closed)
Herron Prep (closed)
James W. Riley #43 (on-site registration)
St. Thomas Aquinas (closed)

After School, Before School, or Lunch Chess
It can be easy to partner with Indy Chess to make chess an extracurricular activity! We currently partner with many schools to offer either a weekly afterschool club with instruction and play, or a lunch/recess option one day each week.
If you provide the space, we can provide the supplies and instruction! How is it funded? Any of three ways:
We recruit a volunteer coach (if school qualifies);
We get sponsorships to cover a paid coach's stipend;
We charge a fee to students when we sign them up.
For all coaches, we provide background checks, monthly presentation of lesson plans, and classroom management training from teachers! Contact us to learn more...

Upcoming Events
- Tue, Mar 11Latvian Community Center
- Wed, Mar 19Latvian Community Center
- Tue, Mar 25Latvian Community Center
- Sun, Apr 06St. Monica School Gym (Enter Door 15)
- Sat, May 03St. Paul Episcopal Church